Wednesday 29 August 2018


Tigers. What amazing and wonderful creatures. They are so interesting!! You may have seen one in the zoo but you probably don’t know anything about them other than, they are big cats, they have orange fur and black stripes and maybe some other facts here and there but I bet you don’t know the deeper secrets…

Tigers are carnivores, which means they only eat meat if you didn’t know. They are not that fussy with their prey but would prefer the bigger animals on the menu, maybe gourmet buffalo or a strong stag for a main and maybe a few baby rabbits for some light dessert. Wild tigers have to work for their food but being a tiger in a zoo is like being at a restaurant, it just gets served to you.

Wild tigers are commonly known to be near evergreen forests, mangrove swamps, tropical rainforests, savannahs, luscious grasslands and rocky mountains. Did you know that unlike most big cats tigers love water!? They are also good swimmers and often cool off in natural pools or streams.

A baby tiger usually stays inside a mother tiger’s womb for about 3 to 4 months, just 3 months!! A mother usually gives birth to 3 to 4 cubs but some tigers have been known to give birth to up to 8 cubs at one time!!! When a tiger is an adult ( just 18 months!! ) they leave their mother and go find a mate and start the whole life cycle again.

Tigers can camouflage in their natural environment, tall grass, bushes and trees. Tigers are the biggest species in the cat family. Did you know that there is only 3,890 tigers left in the whole world!!! Tigers can reach up to 3.3 metres long and 300kg!

I hoped I have helped you learn a bit more than the simple facts, so you can go and help some people if they need some help on their tiger project or just simply tell your friends all the cool tiger facts you know, cause now you’re the expert on tigers.

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