Thursday 7 June 2018

Life Cycle of a Red Panda

W.A.L.T: write explanations.

Red pandas, You know those cute little red furballs? If you didn’t know what red panda is I will tell you. Red pandas are little creatures with big bushy tails and a cute button nose. But wait a second, how are they born? What is their life cycle?

Firstly the mother red panda will make a nest. She will usually build her nest out of leaves and plants. She will build her nest in a hollow log or somewhere cosy.

When it comes to birth a mother red panda can have up to four cubs but usually has twins. Cubs are usually born around summer or spring after mating season.

For about three weeks after they are born the cubs are blind. A cub is weaned from its mother for three to four months. In order to provide milk for her cubs she needs to eat three times the amount she normally eats!!!! A cub stays in the nest for roughly about ninety days until they learn to survive the environment around them. After around a year a cub not a cub anymore but is fully grown adult and lives independently. The average lifespan for a red panda is about 10 years.

Now you know all about red pandas so go out and tell everyone what you know about red pandas.


  1. Well researched, Sarah! You have some really good information here. Ka rawe!

  2. Great Job Sarah!Their are a lot of things that you explained to me that I didn't know, like a red Panda average life span is 10 years.I liked how you explained their life span.
